Why do we use 26 precious rubin stones inside the mechanism of our mechanical/automatic watches?

The Enzo Attini mechanical / automatic watches are premium quality watches and as such, the Swiss mechanism inside them contains valuable ruby stones.
Just as it’s widely known, engenieers use the ruby stones inside the mechanism in order to reduce friction between gears, making their movement easier, quieter and more precise.
It’s an indisputable condition for a mechanical watch to contain ruby stones in the mechanism. The higher the number of rubies, the better the quality.
The manual watch with a manual grip must have 17 rubies, while a mechanical / automatic watch must have 22 rubies.
Of course, we've thought of producing the best watches and to bring you a premium product, that’s why our mechanical / automatic watches have 26 ruby stones in the mechanism.
Enzo Attini – The quality and the details make the difference!